Extensions in Primrose Hill Where Good Homes Get Bigger

Introduction: Cramped Quarters and Desperate Measures Picture this: You're living in the charming neighbourhood of Primrose Hill, surrounded by trendy cafes, boutiques, and more celebrities than you can shake a selfie stick at. Life's grand, right? Well, not quite. You see, your humble abode is starting to feel more like a glorified shoebox with each passing day. The kids are growing like trees, the in-laws are visiting more often than you'd like, and your dream of having a home gym is quickly turning into a nightmare of tripping over dumbbells in the hallway. It's time to face the harsh reality – you need more space, and you need it today. The Extension in Primrose Hill Saga Begins Cue the violins (or perhaps a dramatic soundtrack befitting your local soap opera), because the quest for a house extension in Primrose Hill is about to commence. You've heard the rumours, the horror stories of neighbours turning entire streets into construction zones, but you...